Thursday, November 29, 2007

Act, Dream, Plan

Liberty University for Huckabee has a great post. Here is my favorite quote.

I thought to myself "Well if I want Mike to get elected, the only way that is going to happen is if people start doing something. It is going to be a great thing so somebody has to act, right now it is a dream, somebody has to start planning, somebody has to believe......I better get started" From then on I believed that Mike Huckabee could be the next president. From then on I started planning. I started dreaming of the day Mike took the oath in D.C.. From then on I put action to words. It wasn't only some random posters that inspired me to go all out for Mike, it wasn't a whim either. It was well thought out and prayed about. How can we as Americans say we are free when we retire and just lay our choices down on who the media portrays as having a chance. That is cowardice! That is ennoble! During World War Two when the chances of us winning were unclear, did we back down? When London was being blown to smithereens with no allies left standing, the last stronghold in Europe, did you see Churchill say "Oh well guys, I give up we don't really have that good of a chance of winning so there is no reason to fight." No you didn't, because the right thing to do, whether you have a chance or have no chance at all of tasting victory; is to fight on. Did the apostle Paul after being beaten and thrown out of city after city say "well, logically, we really have no chance of leading anyone to the Lord" Of course this did not happen. Because the Lord was and is, in charge. Paul knew that God defies mans logic. I know that God defies man's logic, just read the Bible, he made a point of making the last in this world first. So I took that to heart. I said "God, I hope you defy all mans logic and help this man of yours who, by mans logical reasoning, has no chance and get him in the white house. "


Dan Webb said...

I really appreciate at this, thank you.

Frances Clements said...

Your welcome, D Bonhoeffer.