Saturday, December 8, 2007

God and Immigration

God’s Word and Immigration

When Mike Huckabee announce a more detailed immigration plan yesterday, it made me want to research what God's word had to say. So here are my thoughts.

The alien must follow the laws to participate in the benefits the citizens enjoy.
Exodus 12:48 and others

Aliens are not to be oppressed or mistreated.
Exodus 22:12 and others

Law abiding aliens are entitled to benevolence (though this is on a personal level as opposed to a federal level).
Leviticus19:10 and others

Law abiding aliens are to be treated like a native-born.
Leviticus 19:34 and others

Aliens are subject to the same laws as citizens.
Leviticus 24:22 and others

Illegal immigrants by definition have not and are not obeying our laws. So as God-fearing people the only thing that we are morally obligated to do in regards to the illegal immigrants is to not mistreat or oppress them. I find definitions helpful so here are two from

Oppress- to burden with cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power.

Mistreat- to treat badly or abusively.

Though I know that many will disagree with me, I say that sending people back to their home country is not cruel or abusive unless they are in danger in that country. In which case, I suggest they have political asylum. As for those that have children (citizen or otherwise), they can take their children back with them to their home country. Under Gov. Huckabee's plan, illegal immigrants that comply would have an opportunity to come back to this country legally. This is better for them and us. None of these things are cruel or abusive. Cruel or abusive would be something along the lines of beating them up or torturing them or something. Sending people back to where they came from seems fair and reasonable.

I think that the US does a good job of allowing those naturalized citizens or those with green cards the same benefits as life-long citizens. If you are qualified, have the proper paperwork, and can do the job, I think most Americans don’t care where you came from or where on the path to citizenship you are.

We do care about law-breakers. Many people (including Christians) have a distorted view of love. So before I go on let me clarify. Love is doing what is best for a person. Love is not about doing what makes people feel good. The government is resposible to do what is best for the most people. The perfect example of love is God being willing to sacrifice one person (Jesus) for the sake of many (all of us). As far as immigration goes, I think it is the President’s job is to do what is best for the most people. It is more compassionate to think of all the people (about 300 million) that will be benefited when immigration is under control in this country. The needs (or wants in many cases) of the 10 million do not out way the needs of the 300 million.


Anonymous said...

If Huckabee is such a good christian as he says he is, then what about the money changers who invaded the temple of God and when Jesus found them in there , He became angry and chased them out ......
Now, two things, first ....justifiable anger is ok since Jesus himself became ired, secondly, when you invade someones temple or country ,you had better have their permission or , the people will rightly want you thrown out...!!!

Can you imagine the moneychangers flying a flag of the Devil over the one of GOD ....inside of a place that is not even theirs ???

Just try to sneak into Mexico for a one time experience and see when you ever see daylight again ?


Frances Clements said...


On the other hand, Jesus never tried to kick the Romans out. In fact, he told people to be willing to go the extra mile for a Roman soldier.

I do understand (at least partly) your frustration. I was an exchange student to Mexico many years ago. My host mother had to go to school and confront the principal to get me into school even though I had a legal student visa and had bee assigned to that school. Then later that year California proposed a law to ban illegals from certain benefits. My host family said that it was outrageous until I reminded them that the school would barely let me in with proper papers. I would never have been allowed in without them. It is as though Mexicans think we owe them something because they used to own California, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. In fact, they sometimes say, "Ah well, we are taking it back one baby at a time."

So I think that Gov. Huckabee is right. We need to have a fence (I would say North and South). We need to fine employers that do not follow the law and hire illegals. We need to implement the FairTax so that even the underground economy pays its fair share.

Thanks for reading and commenting.