Friday, November 14, 2008

Cry of the Orphan

Orphans and widows are mentioned throughout the Bible as people the faithful should take care of. I am not well suited to foster care or adoption, but I am interested in helping financially. The Cry of the Orphan website has information about all three avenues to helping orphans (foster parenting, adoption, helping organizations that care for orphans). There are also resources for churches that want to start orphan ministries. It is a great site and I recommend that you check it out.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

White House Bathrooms

Back in January, I did a post called "Is That a Man in the Women's Bathroom?" It looks as though we might soon be asking the same question about the White House bathrooms. According to OneNewsNow, Obama has pledged to not discriminate based on gender identity. They also have an article suggesting that Vicki Robinson (the gay priest whose ordination started a fissure in the Episcopal church) has become Obama's new spiritual advisor. The two have had three meetings so far.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More Local More Personal

AP had a story recently that I found encouraging. It talks about "anti-abortion" leaders and activists are even more resolved now than ever. "Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life. "But that disappointment and anger are forms of energy. ...I believe a lot of people on the sidelines for last eight years will now get engaged." The article talks about how many efforts will now involve more vigils and protests. O that many people will go public this year that have never had the guts to do so in the past. The article also predicts that there will be more volunteers at those "anti-abortion" crisis pregnancy centers. O God, please let it be so.

The article goes on to discuss contraception. "Under a Democratic-led government, abortion-rights supporters will call on conservatives to join in an effort to reduce abortions by reducing unintended pregnancies. Anti-abortion leaders say they are unwilling to do this if it means abandoning their abstinence-only approach and supporting greater access to birth control for unmarried women." Praise God that these leaders are standing firm for abstinence only until marriage!

"Any time you have a loss like that, you have an opportunity to reassess and come back stronger," said Charmaine Yoest, president of Americans United for Life. "If they want to see this as a big loss that will set us back, that's OK. Our people are very energized, and ready for Round Two." As someone who was never physically involved in round one, I am certainly more ready for Round Two. I hope and pray that there are many thousands like me.

I will leave you with a biblical mandate and encouragement: "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." Ephesians 5:11
"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1John 3:18

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day

To all of you who are serving or have served in the US Military, I say thank you. Thank you for loving this country enough to be willing to die for it. Thank you for loving freedom.

If you would like more information about Veteran's Day, the Department of Veteran's Affairs has this website.

Special thanks to my husband for serving as a Marine.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Just Read It

This is one of the best posts I have ever read. It has a suprise ending that I will not spoil. But I will tell you how it starts.

It's just one of many pictures from a photo album full of pictures of the staff at Auschwitz relaxing and having a great time, sometimes with their children, during on-site retreats. I originally posted it as part of my post about "good people" and "bad people," but I've thought about it many times since then.


Star Parker has a great article about principles being more important to the American people than process. These are the last few paragraphs, but I encourage you to read the whole thing.

How can it be that even now many suggest that the problems of the party relate to process? They suggest that the party platform must change to appeal to this new constituency or reach out to that one?

Who is asking what do we believe to be true? What principles are crucial to assure that our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be born into and grow up in a strong and prosperous nation?

Those who suggest that Americans have turned liberal are not paying attention. In California, as Obama captured 61 percent of the popular vote. In the same election, Californians passed Proposition 8 -- getting 71 percent of the black vote and 53 percent of the Latino vote -- to codify traditional marriage in the state constitution

The future of the Republican Party is not in process but in restoring leadership for traditional American principles that are relevant to every demographic group, to every ethnic group, in every time.

Let the work begin.

OneNewsNow has a story along similar lines.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Socialized Education

I was looking around at F3 Coalition and found this article. It is from World Magazine and written by Joel Belz. It makes several good points, and my favorite was this one:

Socialized medicine? Most of us recoil at the idea. Socialized airlines? Reminds us of Aeroflot. Socialized banks? When it happened last month, it terrified us.

But socialized schools? Nine out of ten of us patronize them regularly.

And we do so with na'ry a thought or concern about how such an arrangement affects next week's election, or the election after that, or the lifetime of elections to come.