Thursday, January 17, 2008

Congress Proposes Civil Partner Benefits

This is from

Just before Christmas break, Senators Gordon Smith (R-OR) and Joseph Lieberman (D-CN) proposed a piece of legislation that would provide federal employees with "domestic partners" benefits. U.S. Representative Tammy Baldwin, an outspoken lesbian, along with 30 sponsors, proposed a companion bill in the U.S. House. Titled the Domestic Partner Benefits and Obligations Act of 2007, these bills would use federal tax dollars to support unmarried "partners," if passed. Benefits that a federal employee and his/her domestic partner would receive include federal health benefits, the Family and Medical Leave Program, long-term care, insurance and retirement benefits. Although 13 states and 201 local governments have doled out domestic partner benefits due to pressure from the gay lobby, the federal government has thus far not caved to special interest. Encouraging "alternatives" to marriage is not only bad social policy but self-destructive for the future of any society.

I pray that this never makes it out of Congress and if it does that Pres. Bush would veto it. Just one more reason we need Gov. Huckabee in the White House. Even if this bill is defeated this time there will be more like it.

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