Monday, February 11, 2008

Califonia Government School Exodus

Christians are pulling their children out of governments schools in California. Here is part of an article covering it from

By John Connolly
SACRAMENTO, California, February 7, 2008 ( - Several Christian groups have formed a coalition to boycott the California public school system, following legislation signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger that will indoctrinate children to favor sodomy as a healthy and normal lifestyle choice.

A variety of Christian grassroots organizations have joined together in calling for an "exodus" from the California public school system in an effort to save children from the subversive indoctrination. The coalition includes Eagle Forum, the Campaign for Children and Families, and Exodus Mandate, as well as ten others.

Of course, I advocate all Christians taking their children out of government schools. Click on the homeschool tag to read my comments about the book The Harsh Truth About Public Schools by Bruce Shortt.

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