Friday, August 21, 2009

Homeschool Happenings v. 4 (The Last Day of the 1st Six Weeks)

It seems that six weeks have gone by quickly. We have made good progress in many areas especially reading. The kids really enjoy Texas geography. The only thing that we have been slackers in is quilting. (I think that is because it is such a steep learning curve for me.) This past week we have been reviewing our elements (arsenic, iron, calcium, chromium, and potassium), our big fat lies (earth is millions of years old, church is a place, you need to be like everyone else, people get to decide what is true, and religion needs to stay private), our traits of the wise (discipline, industrious, prudent, humble, and justice) and the Panhandle Plains region of Texas. They are supposed to tell Dad this weekend what they remember as a sort of "final".

Now we will have two weeks off. As a reward to ourselves we are planning to go swimming in one of the area lakes and going to Arlington Gem and Mineral Show. We are also hopeful that at least few of the chicks will hatch. The two weeks gives me time to plan the next 6 weeks and to edit our video yearbook for last year.


Karen said...

Six weeks completed already? Boy, I wish I could say the same. I'm gearing up for us to start on Tuesday. I had wanted it to be earlier, but summer felt like it flew by and I needed more time. Enjoy the two weeks off. I might like that system. How old are your children and do they have any retention problems or problems getting motivated back to work after two weeks off?

Frances Clements said...

Hey Karen,
My kids are 5 and 7.

I am just starting the 6 weeks on 2 weeks off. I can say that they loved the idea when I told them. I think it makes them feel like they've accomplished something to have an "end" in the not-so-distant future. The see the two weeks as a reward for working hard for six weeks.

As to retention. . .
We had 4 or 5 weeks off for "summer". The little one needed a bit of review, but the older one was fine. I think two weeks will have the younger one needing a day of review on math, but the rest we should be able to just jump in. We will have to see how it goes.