Thursday, July 17, 2008

California Will Vote

Looks like CA will get to vote on their marriage amendment. I praise the Lord for this. I also pray that all those who can see the value of God's design for marriage will flood the polls. Read the story here.


Anonymous said...

I read this news yesterday on a different Internet news site and was glad that California citizens will apparently have an opportunity to vote on the marriage amendment without further obstruction. Whether the traditional marriage amendment passes or whether it will essentially slow down the homosexual juggernaut is another question.

Just today World Net Daily web site has a featured story that the country of Brazil is positioned to exercise strong legal action and punishment against anyone in the country who publically speaks out or opposes homosexuality. The new president of Brazil has openly and defiantly attacked the Biblical and Christian teaching on homosexuality.

We are in need of a great spiritual revival and renewal accompanied by an intellectual and political restructuring of the institutions of our society. Perhaps this need for renewal is most evident in the areas of sexual ethics and family stability.

Frances Clements said...


Thanks for the insights. I agree that we are in need of revival and renewal.