Thursday, September 25, 2008

What Happened to the 1st Amendment?

I got this in an e-mail from FRC.

Yesterday I told you about the nationwide prayer vigil called "40 Days for Life" going on outside of abortuaries. This effort is not to block access to the facility and definitely not to cause any harm to anyone (as opposed to the violence that occurs inside such "facilities") but to partake in the most powerful tool that God gave to us - to pray to Him on behalf of the young women and the children they carry inside them. Yesterday in New York City the pro-abortion City Council joined hands with the NARAL, Planned Parenthood and ACLU chapters in the city to introduce legislation that would stop these prayer warriors from being able to pray anywhere near an abortion clinic. In its two years of existence the "40 Days for Life" campaign has seen over 150,000 people join together to fast and pray for an end to abortion. Many of these people hold 40-day prayer vigils outside of abortion clinics and have seen great success in changing hearts and minds. Obviously pro-abortion forces in New York City rightfully fear the power of prayer and are attempting to shut them down. Please contact the New York City Council at (212) 788-7116 and ask them to "shut down" this bill that attempts to "shut up" prayer.

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